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Hey guys

Post by Kibeth415 »

Wasn't sure to put this in General or Ghost Legion, so I chose here.

Anyway, yeah I've been wanting to rejoin CotC for a bit, everyone around me is in it and I currently spend all my free time playing WoW because I have nowhere fun to play CS:S or nobody to play it with.

I had to make this new account because either my old account was deleted, the PW was changed, or I simply used a password for the account that I'd never used somewhere else and therefore cannot remember.

It's been close to a year now since I left CotC and I have thought about it often enough. I'll tell you all right now, I don't even remember what the reasons for Ghetto and Vern being kicked were, all I know is they caused trouble with you guys. That being said, I do still to this day spend much of my time in a Ventrilo channel with Vern, and I still talk to Ghetto on X-Fire and MySpace, but only rarely (me and the kid got nothing in common now).

The decision comes down to whatever you guys want, I'll be ok either way, I just wanted to give you all another chance. Give me some feedback here, or give me some access to the forum where this topic should better be addressed, to keep it from the public eye.
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Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2006 1:04 pm

Post by TooLBlue »

Ah, Vern. I haven't thought about him and his habit of snorting on teamspeak in ages...
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Post by Akira »

Can you try logging in as Kibeth[CotC] again? Should be ok I believe. I can reset password if needed. If you can, I'll remove the extra accounts.

Post by Kibeth415 »

Tried to log back in, can you reset the password and PM it to me on this account. I'll log in and make a post on the Senate Floor when I get in, then you can delete the extra 2 accounts I made (one I made but never activated cause I didn't actually have access to the e-mail I entered, as I thought I had.)

Unless the login isn't actually Kibeth[CotC], in which case I may know the password. But I know I used different passwords before and I can't remember them.

~~~EDIT~~~ You can set it to the password for this account and I can go and change it myself so you don't go logging in for me.
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