In the beginning there was ID.
ID (or the Carmack brothers) wrote
Commander Keen (pre-ID days)
Wolfenstein in '91
Doom in '94
Quake in '96
Quake2 in '97
(followed by more QuakeX and DoomX games)
But the magical combination began with
Doom, where ID broke the mold and changed the
gaming world forever with:
- First FPS shooter
- First multiplayer network game
- First 3D environment
- First physics engine
- First AI monsters
- First internet marketing model (shareware for free,
extra episodes after purchase)
- First free release of source code (several years later)
- First mods (starting with Quake)
- First clans (Quake, but not invented by ID)
The reason why the multiplayer gaming world exists today
and looks the way it does, is IMHO due to those Carmack
brothers, from Texas of course