Bunch of hippy crap if ya ask me! Trees serve 4 purposes...
1: Shrapnel for arial burst munitions
2: when blown over, they are good for countermobility operations
3: when camo'd they make decent fighting positions
4: Burn baby burn.
so again, plant a tree... it's earthday.
BD wrote:Bunch of hippy crap if ya ask me! Trees serve 4 purposes...
1: Shrapnel for arial burst munitions
2: when blown over, they are good for countermobility operations
3: when camo'd they make decent fighting positions
4: Burn baby burn.
so again, plant a tree... it's earthday.
no more Thanksgiving for the hippies! Now, they eat earthdinner on the same day by having lots of veggies, and tou-turkey (or turduken). Then they have light conversation about environmentalisms.
1995: Gun control is being able to hit your target.
2000: Gun control is 90% acuracy
2005: Gun control is seeing the f00 drop dead.