After Action Reports For Call of Duty


Thu, 31 March, 2005
After Action Report

Legion Ghosts present:
Zoddy, Anubis, Greg Boyington, Killah

Sponsered Ghosts present:

Ghost Legion present:

CotC present:
RedBaron, Buzzed, Serpent

Sostoug, many others

CotC CoD server -


        Participation   Attitude   Game Skills   Extra Credit

Anubis        -             -           -             5
G.Boyington   5             -           -             5
Killah       10            10           5             -
Zoddy        10            10           5             -

Anubis and Greg Boyington where both at the CS:S GL practice the night before,
on March 30th. Given that, they where both given the five extra credit points
for additional practice attendance. Greg Boyington was returned the five
participation points which where removed from the previous practice. From the
notes I recieved all did very well. Killah and Zoddy where given full marks for
the evening. Good job, guys.


Ghost Legion Progress Statistics
  Participation Attitude Game Skills Extra Credit Total
Anubis 0 0 0 5 5
Greg Boyington 15 10 5 10 40
Killah 30 30 15 7 82
Zoddy 30 30 15 0 75

Thu, 24 March, 2005
After Action Report

Legion Ghosts present:
Greg Boyington, Killah

Sponsered Ghosts present:

Ghost Legion present:

CotC present:
Aide-de-Camp, Buzzed, NightReaver, VerniusIX, Serpent

Shieldsy, [VW]Sgt.LIME WIRE, Czech12, Peter the beater

CotC CoD server


        Participation   Attitude   Game Skills   Extra Credit

G.Boyington  10            10           5             5
Killah       10            10           5             7
Zoddy         -             -           -             -
Neither myself nor Dataspel were present. I was working with the Counter Strike:Source
guys on thier first scrim against Dfire, and Data was unable to attend due to work. Buzzed,
centurion of the CoD legion, asked that I give our campers that where present full marks for
the practice. From what I understand they did very well tonight. Great job, guys.

As a side note I would like to add that Killah has decided to switch over from CS:S to being
one of our regular CoD ghosts. RedBaron has also reported to me that Killah is deserving of
a little extra credit. RB played with Killah earlier this week and said he did very well
in representing CotC.

** I would additionally note that the day after this practice, Friday the 25th, Greg Boyington
and Killah both joined in the regular CoD practice. While full GL points are given only once a
week they have both earned five extra credit points for attending an additional practice in the


Ghost Legion Progress Statistics
  Participation Attitude Game Skills Extra Credit Total
Greg Boyington 10 10 5 5 30
Killah 20 20 10 7 57
Zoddy 20 20 10 0 50

Thu, 10 March, 2005
After Action Report

Legion Ghosts present:
Zoddy, Killah

Sponsered Ghosts present:

Ghost Legion present:
Scion, Dataspel

CotC present:
RedBaron, Aide-de-Camp, NightReaver, Serpent,

MajorMacAttack, SpyHunter, NetNutt, M1Garand,
-=BW=-ZoSo-, block, Gaunt

CotC CoD server


        Participation   Attitude   Game Skills   Extra Credit

Zoddy        10            10           5             0
Killah       10            10           5             0
Another great turn out from CotC. I was very surprised to see Killah join up tonight, as
he's usually one of our CS:S players. It was great having him, a very nice surprise. We
played quite a bit of Capture the Flag tonight, and to make things more interesting we split
the CotC into seperate channels in Ventrillo. We split ourselves up by Axis and Allies in
the seperate channels, so we couldn't hear the other team's more sneaky plans. It turned out
rather well, I thought. It was a good show from our ghosts, a lot of great team work. A lot
of very wicked rifle shots from Hesperos. Over all it was great gaming tonight, campers.
Well done.


Ghost Legion Progress Statistics
  Participation Attitude Game Skills Extra Credit Total
Zoddy 20 20 10 0 50
Killah 10 10 5 0 25

Thu, 3 March, 2005
After Action Report

Legion Ghosts present:

Sponsered Ghosts present:

Ghost Legion present:
Scion, Dataspel

CotC present:
RedBaron, Serpent, Buzzed, VerniusIX, Aide-de-Camp,
Slider (early on), GhettoBear (Ventrilo only)

Loki, Franky, Sostoug

CotC COD server


The practice was well attended by CotC regulars. We started on a public server playing DM,
but soon adjurned to the CotC server where we played CTF. I don't have many notes from the
games, other than I found the tanks a lot of fun! At least, until I found out we weren't
supposed to be driving them.


        Participation   Attitude   Game Skills   Extra Credit
Zoddy        10            10           5             0
It was a good turn out from CotC, very nice seeing so many [CotC] on the player list. Zoddy did
very well, and we all had a great time playing with him.


Ghost Legion Progress Statistics
125 Points Needed to Graduate
  Participation Attitude Game Skills Extra Credit Total
Zoddy 10 10 5 0 25