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CotC Dying in WOW - Individuals Thrive

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 8:00 pm
by Crappy Pants
Having seen CotC form around WOW was exciting. It is sad and unfortunate that in order to logon faster everyone left, some formed a new guild on another realm, and named it something other than Clan of the Camper.

Choosing just the name was so difficult? Keeping things alive too fruitless for CotC or perhaps that was not even in mind?

I apologize for not living in WOW, for not breathing Vent, and for reading too much into this, but what does piss me off is making all those freaking bags in the bank for CotC and then to see them ride into another realm.

I remain.

Re: CotC Dying in WOW - Individuals Thrive

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 8:06 pm
by Crappy Pants

Re: CotC Dying in WOW - Individuals Thrive

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 1:25 am
by Dataspel
I can deal with the long wait time to log on, as long as
I start the connect before my scheduled game time.
Just started an orc warrior on Kil'jaeden: Datawar, level 2.
Can someone invite me into the guild? Or do I need
to wait til it is on a higher level?

On Garithos I currently am only active with my
death knight: Dataknight level 64.
Is there no CotC guild yet? Shall I start one?

On Wyrmrest Accord I have one human paladin: Datapal, level 17,
skadoosh guild.

What would be great to find others at these levels and
realms I could level and instance with. It turns out that following
someone else at a much higher level does not really help me learn
much or add fun to the game. Even after all this time
there is a lot I have not learned about wow. I am
averaging about 5 or 6 hours a week (except for the holidays
when I could not really play), so I do have time available if
others let me know. I will start posting my planned times.
Also willing to start new toons on whatever realms people
want to play on. I still think wow can be the best way forward
for CotC, but we have to work more at it.

I think there is a core of us that don't want to see the clan
wither away. It may be that we just need to change to help
it grow again. For example, instead of thinking of Skadoosh
as a drain on our resources, why not think of them as new
potential members of CotC? Can we not be allies with Skadoosh,
offering the non-CotC players Campquake access and a place to
start if they want to try out a horde toon on a pvp server?
Just my 2 cents...

Re: CotC Dying in WOW - Individuals Thrive

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:08 pm
by Crappy Pants
Yes to all.

Where there is no CotC we should start one, same look and style. Same ranks as all report back here.

In a perfect world we'd concentrate, but if we split up we could think of each realm entity as a cell.

Allies are fine but getting more blood into CotC was the objective. For me end game content is cool but I'm not living to WOW, just trying to translate game time invested into an increase for CotC. I will probably never have time to spend 8-12 hours in one sitting in a high end dungeon.

The context becomes gaming for individual purposes and end game content versus WOW gaming as a vehicle for restarting CotC objectives.

Another context is gaming with friends, the old argument which is fine. The purpose of our adventures prior to Cat was for CotC, not individual objectives or at least this was the outline.

In essence, we have returned to baseline with our biggest WOW assets on the bench or off the team all together, makes me sick.

Re: CotC Dying in WOW - Individuals Thrive

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:22 pm
by Neophyte
Where it's different for me, CP, is that I'm new to the game. And I know that I'm the Johnny-come-lately to Warcraft, so server selection happened way before my time, but I have acquired a taste for the content driven and character leveling aspects. (The dungeons and raids, questing, leveling my professions, getting new achievements, etc.) And this style of play mostly necessitates a PvE or Normal/RP server. I tried it on the PvP server but I felt too restricted to the city, and even then places like Thrallmar in Outland were unsafe. Rather than rock the CotC boat, I just continued rolling my first toon on the server that was the most fun and where my co-worker initially suggested. We eventually formed a guild, now level 2 with 4 bank tabs, which my invite is still open to you since it's just me and Nightreaver running it now. But Skadoosh is an alternative to what was offered to us, and its not the wedge that you're describing. Had there been a CotC based PvE setting we would have selected that instead.

Now that the boat has been rocked, perhaps server selection is up for discussion?

It just takes some dialog and decision on where we throw the seed. But the clan/guild always does bloom into something amazing.

Re: CotC Dying in WOW - Individuals Thrive

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:50 pm
by Scion
Gaming is about the fun. It's what drives us all here, and in WoW. If the game isn't fun for someone, why would they keep coming back to it? Personally, I don't care for the pvp servers either. Especially in WoW. They can be very frustrating if that's just not what you're into. For different reasons, Baron Hesp and I had to leave WoW. In the end it all boiled down to the same issue. If you're not having fun in the game, you're not going to keep going back for more.

Would it be better to force everyone into a situation that they didn't enjoy, just for the sake of saving CotC?

Re: CotC Dying in WOW - Individuals Thrive

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:23 am
by Crappy Pants
Never, but the alternative of forcing CotC into WOW oblivion does not hold water. In my humble opinion the best alternative would have been to discuss the issue. It appears less of that took place than I would have wanted because I feel we had finally brought together a bunch of CotC in ONE PLACE.

So to address my perspective on "one place" I'd agree with everything I've read. For the sake of CotC I don't care where we get together, but for God's sake let's be together, and if not together as I wrote before: make the world camp. Perhaps we don't have that muscle, so staying together as a group makes sense, and why not rally around our name too. Say it aloud, Clan of the Camper.

Spreading our unique and long standing identity into WOW was the objective, it keeps us alive as an actual gaming entity. If we do it right we could have others join us in WOW and we increase our number, infuse new blood into the organization - this was always the objective to have fun and increase CotC.

So as I see it we choose to split off again calling ourselves whatever or we rally around a known identity and put it into practice, have fun as a group when the group can assemble, and increase the numbers of members that troll here, perhaps even rebirth our organization for another decade.

That's my finger hold.

Re: CotC Dying in WOW - Individuals Thrive

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:27 pm
by Scion
So...where shall we go? I can't afford to move my characters, but I don't mind starting from scratch. Don't tell Baron, but I've been itching to try a worgen. :D

Re: CotC Dying in WOW - Individuals Thrive

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:10 am
by Crappy Pants
That would be the question, where and who. We really need all the people we had before to get off the ground running - and like you I am not about to move 5 off of one realm, which is why we asked people to start fresh where we were.

My calculations we've lost from Kil'Jaeden, in one/two fatal swoops:

Alize and Hubby

This includes their CotC alts, their friends, and their friends alts.

In Kil'Jaden we have:

Me & my alts

And 80 or so alts from various afore mentioned players.

We appear to be talking about a PVE server and creating from scratch GOLD to purchase and form a guild calling it Clan of the Camper.

Re: CotC Dying in WOW - Individuals Thrive

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 10:06 pm
by BD
I pretty much limit myself to Nesingwary (PVE) on the horde side I'm in two guilds, one is a good levelling guild, the other is a raiding guild (the raids are low key, a couple hours a week, totally optional, no one yells at you).
On the Allied side I'm on Silverhand (PVE) in a huge levelling guild.

I'll most likely be moving the toons I want to play to these servers. I've never been big on PVP unless I initiate it.

Still have the vent server, all are welcome to it regardless of what game you are playing.