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10 American national treasures

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 12:54 am
by Dataspel
Errr, make that 11...

These are the great achievers of our culture and our times.
If life had an Olympics, then these would be the
American gold medalists.

1. Physics : Alan Guth
2. Pre-internet business: Jack Welch
3. Performance and art: Garrison Keillor
4. Historian: Shelby Foote
5. Naturalist: Jared Diamond
6. Spiritual life: Richard Alpert
7. Capitalist: Warren Buffet
8. Post internet business: Steve Jobs
9. Warrior : David Petraeus
10. Elder statesman: Al Gore
11. Media entertainment: Steven Spielberg

Is there anyone else you would add, or those you would demote?

Re: 10 American national treasures

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 12:18 pm
by warf
I'm not sure about Al Gore. Don't think he would get even a bronze in my book.

Actually I think elder statesman types are sorely missing in the US. I think Winston Churchill when I think elder statesman.

Are all of your nominees still alive, ie this is for this years competition?

Historian - Bruce Catton
Author - James Michener

Re: 10 American national treasures

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 12:18 am
by Dataspel
Yes, they have to be alive. Gore was a poor choice,
Kissinger is probably better.

Re: 10 American national treasures

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 2:51 pm
by Ender[CotC]
A few that would have stolen the gold had they still been alive :D

1. Jello: Peter Cooper
2. Sliced Bread: Otto Frederick Rohwedder
3. Corrugated Cardboard: Robert Gair
4. Rubber Eraser: Joseph Priestley
5. Electric Fan: Dr. Schulyer Wheeler