Hi Akira, let me propose an idea - please let me know if you think
it will work.
1. Webhosting. Separate this from game hosting. You already have
a PC for webhosting. Or if you want we could expand my
http://www.campquake.org or if Neo agrees,
http://www.sctf.net to host the
bulletin board and fileage. It seems reasonsable that whichever is
used, you should continue to have have godlike admin access. If
you pick campquake.org, it will be free to the clan forever as promised
earlier, or until I get fired from Cisco
2. Games on the old server. 50 Canadian sounds pretty good!
If your old boss will let you colo a server, it might be worth it!
Someone who supports a server should be given the Clan title
"CotC Knight" or similar. Suppose the clan assesses $10 per
game server, for a max of 5 games on the server. I know one
clannie who is ready to step forward to pay for at least 1 or 2
of the following servers:
Q1 SCTF, Q2 DM, Q2 Lith, Loki's Minions, Weapons of Destruction.
Other Knights can step up to support their favorite games,
like CS-Source-hacked, Battlefield-1969-Kent State, or whatever.
Anyway let me put this forth as a motion. If there is any
interest, first from Akira, then from others, we can discuss