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Oh Happy Days

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:15 pm
by Death_Dealer[CotC]
I was fianally able to aquire a Wii and a 60gig PS3. But have yet to buy a game for either. I did play the Wii sports and found it to be a lot of fun. Any suggestions on currently released game for either. I will certainly be getting Zelda.

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:38 pm
by Neophyte
I can't think of anything for PS3... I'm not that interested in the system.

Wii has some good games. The sports is a lot of fun, Zelda is great, Excite Truck is good, and Rayman is a great party game, and Red Steel is good. Wario Ware is coming out next month, along with Wii Play, and looks great.

Try the rental stores for games that you're not sure about. You might spend $7 for rental, but that would be cheaper than spending $49 on a game that doesn't suit you.