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Getting the most out of your machine

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:20 pm
by M4v3r1ck
Been trying to see how far I can push my system beyond the stock speeds. Still very early into testing.

Stock: 1.86 ghz
OC'ed: 2.45 ghz

This may be close to the ceiling for me. I think it is my memory that will hold me back (as well as my cooling probably). My memory is only PC 5400 so it seems that I can successfully overclock it to run at dram 700mhz frequencies. Don't think it will run much faster than that. My next step will be to overclock the gpu using coolbits. So far the best score that I've gotten on 3dmark06 is 4606. Apparently one will notice better gains on 3dmark06 by overclocking their gpu rather than their cpu. Time will tell.

Edit: I am now running the processor at 2.56 ghz. The geforce 7900 gs can be overclocked from default of 450/333 to 547/399. My 3dmark06 also jumped up with the boost in the gpu to 5069.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 1:06 am
Man Maverick if i had your money i'd burn mine! Cause it sure burns a hole in your pocket! :P

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 2:59 am
by M4v3r1ck
SLIDER wrote:Man Maverick if i had your money i'd burn mine! Cause it sure burns a hole in your pocket! :P
what's the sense of making money if you are not going to spend it?

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 3:01 am
by M4v3r1ck
SLIDER wrote:Man Maverick if i had your money i'd burn mine! Cause it sure burns a hole in your pocket! :P
you got the money that i do slider, you just cant see it cause you spend it on feeding that army of yours. How many more you gonna have? ;)

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 10:50 pm
some just arent quite so selfish BRO!

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 10:17 am
by M4v3r1ck
SLIDER wrote:some just arent quite so selfish BRO!
selfish... wasn't quite the adjective I was thinking about here. Close though, the correct answer begins with the same letter and contains one less letter.