Warf said: Just rereading "Winds of War " at this moment.....
A totally outstanding book, or books if you include War and
Remembrance, I guess. But his masterpiece was The Caine
Mutiny, one of the few books that was even better as a movie, IMHO.
I am halfway through Pat O'Brian's 20 volume opus,
and hesitating to read more, because I wish he could
write another 20 volumes.
And tonight I was watching Midway yet again.
This guy is so provocative, have you ever wondered why?
OBS and Zarkawi have the same attitude, can it be a
coincidence? And if not, to what would you attribute it?
I am interested in rational answers only; answers like
"They hate freedom" or "They must be possessed by Satan"
cut no ice with me. Anyone have an insight to offer?
What would Dr. Laura do? She would take the Roman option,
nuke them in a N.Y. minute, destroy their cities and salt
their fields, which is not the right answer at this time.
What would Jack Aubrey do? He would put an expeditionary
force into the Strait of Hormuz and pulverize any Iranian
unfortunate enough to venture into the the vicinity with
evil intent. Ahhh, maybe history can teach us a valuable
lesson here.....