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A message to the gaming community.

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 12:51 am
by Nemesis[CotC]
I camp. I have always camped. And I will continue to camp.

Why do I camp?

I have always done it. From before FPS games were called that, there was
another kind of FPS - the flight sim. The best kind of fight was the kind where you camped, got in on your opponent's six, and let fly. FPS games are exactly the same. Wait patiently for someone to run by - fat, dumb and happy - then get on their six and gun them down. Take their weapons/ammo and find the shadows again. Ambush is the most rewarding style, because it relies on map knowledge and because even after all these years, folks still don't anticipate campers. I so I continue to do it. And will continue. The only thing you can do about it is to come and try to blow me out of my tent. I'll be waiting...

"But camping's for pus*sies!" sez you. Really? How is it, then, that I can routinely kill just about anyone on the map by just waiting for them to come to me? How is it that I can seem to not only rack up kills, but also cover my team mates? Doesn't sound like a "pus*sy" to me - sounds like a mature gamer who knows how to win rounds. Let me give you a hint: playing Counterstrike like deathmatch really isn't the best way to get wins for your team. Especially if you sit out half the round because you got killed in a straight-up gunfight. Then your headless chicken style hurts not only you, but your team mates. If you're on my team, and you and half the other guys get yourself killed deathmatch-style, why should I stick my neck out to end the round sooner? You didn't help me, and now you want me to help you? Camping well almost always wins rounds in Counterstrike. Wandering around looking for gunfights gets most folks dead.

In a recent tourney-winning match, Fatal1ty won by tactical camping - finding an area that could be observed and protected, then staying in that area. Long ago, when Quake player Thresh met Reptile for King of the Hill honors, Thresh camped the rocket launcher to win the final round. Even in the most deathmatch-oriented games, camping is the key to success.

In BF2, camping is ultimate. Keeping an eye on control points helps your team win rounds. And when you win rounds, everybody on your team benefits. Running around getting yourself killed doesn't do anything except help the other team meet its ticket quota. CoD2 requires even more camping, and more team camping, in order to dominate maps.

More than all that, I camp because it changes the way *you* play the game. You are forced to be more careful, and waste grenades trying to flush me out, give away your position, and even more importantly, it slows you down so that my teammates can gain more ground. Camping is strategic, and good strategy will always beat flawless tactics. You may be able to kill me or my teammates in a straight-up one-on-one fight, but you can't beat three of us at the same time. My Clan-mates and I will camp and cover one another. By yourself, you will always lose, even if you get one of us. And the next round, you will hesitate, and lose initiative.

While I may camp, and strike you down from the shadows, I will never lay a spray down on your body, unload my whole clip into your corpse, nor whine if you get the better of me. I will always treat my fellow gamers with the respect I expect them to show me. That is why we have all chosen Clan of the Camper as our home. Our Bushido Code instructs us in the basic code of conduct on public servers. While I may never adopt your headless chicken style, I respect your right to play that way if it suits you. Clan of the Camper is based on that sort of respect, which is why it has lasted for a decade as a home to gamers weary of the juvenile taunts and general lack of respect on the 'Net.

Yes, I camp. I have always camped, and will continue to camp. Come find me - I'll be waiting.

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:02 am
by KrAzYdAvE
Well said!
this almost seems like it should go on our webpage!

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 6:42 pm
by warf
I camp, therfore I am.