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Battlefield 2 question...
Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 10:03 pm
by BD
Someone had asked about picking up the grappling hook earlier. AFter reading the FM, i see that one can gather up the hook for repeated use after climbing. If you lower the rope for others you can gather it as well. if you lower it and climb down, you are not near the hook so you can't really gather it. Zipline can be gathered also... but of course you all now this and I'm preaching to the chior.
Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 4:04 pm
by Serpent
ya, thx... I was the one who asked... and since then have found it out...
Once they released's been even better with the grappls and zipline. hehe...makes it more fun... I wonder if you can grapple a helicopter. lol.
Now.... BF2:EF (Euro Force, or something like that) is coming out this month.. I wonder what that will birng to the game..
Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:36 pm
by Aide-de-Camp
I have not played much Battlefield, obviously since the release of Special Forces. I've thought about picking it up, and just read what you posted about another version coming out.
Maybe I've posted this before, but is Special Forces worth it? And the new one's coming out? Also worth it?
What's this about grappling hooks?
Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 11:20 pm
by Serpent
Ya.....think......a building you dont want to waste time looking for a ladder to, in order to climb - just grapple your way up.
hehe It's awesome.
Euro Force........not sure yet......won't know til I get it later this month. heh
The way I go out and get all the games, I should review every single of them, since I have so many. ROFL........I feel like all the console gamers I know that have a ton of games... except I have them for PC. hehe
Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 7:36 am
by warf
Bf2 is a hoot. I really like SF with the extra goodies, Ie grapple, zip line, Tear gas.
Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 2:12 pm
by Buzzed
Aide-de-Camp wrote:
Maybe I've posted this before, but is Special Forces worth it? And the new one's coming out? Also worth it?
What's this about grappling hooks?
I have purchased SF but not using in very much. Havent tried single player yet though. Don't care a lot for the multiplayer maps.
So far to me not worth the money.