More In-Depth Summary
Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 11:16 pm
This trip was absolutely cwazy! The people I met on the boat were absolutely out of this world, and we did some crazy things, which I'll attempt to remember. Let me introduce the really interesting people:
Fellipe: A Chilean prep-boy, 14 yrs old, lives on an island off the coast of Washington, has Bill Gates and Jewel as his neighbors (no joke), knows everything about the world's airlines, perfumes, colognes, and clothing brands from everywhere around the world, and wants to grow up to be a model for Abercrombie, an actor, and a chef.
Vince: Weird guy, seems gay but claims he's straight, wears size 3 women's pants, and wants lipo-suction so he can wear size double 0 women's pants.
Jeremy: Eccentric maniac, very random, hilarious to add to conversations, loves tech. stuff, spams prank phone calls to EVERYBODY!
Gary: Future white rap successor to Eminem, playboy type person.
Preston: The guitarist, enough said
Ryan: The magic card master, damn fast with those card tricks, and tricky
Olga: Our teen group director, really stressed out, got wasted on the last night....
Lance: Karoake director, Halo 2 god... grrrrr
The people were amazing... Funny as hell to hang around with.
We ended up either having long hours of Air Hockey tournaments, running around chasing after people, chasing down the illegal underage drunks (why? No idea), sending security after random people (including the drunks), prank calling people's cabin rooms at 4:00 AM, grabbing more and more food to eat, trying to play card games (never worked out), or just sitting in the lounge chatting.
There was a comedy show every night, usually rated R but still attended.
There was also this hypnotist who hypnotized random people from the audience. I'm not joking, they really were. I don't think that they would voluntarily strip down to their underwear in front of everybody on the boat and then make love to a chair just to try and prove to everyone that were hypnotized. The people that were hypnotized said that they had no idea what happened to them, but they noticed that they were doing it but didn't know why or care. It was really funny to watch, yet really weird....
Uh... that's what I can remember right now. I wasn't allowed in the casino, but I went anyway and won $5 in a slot machine (I played 15 cents in it and won). Yeah, woooooo. Signing out.
Fellipe: A Chilean prep-boy, 14 yrs old, lives on an island off the coast of Washington, has Bill Gates and Jewel as his neighbors (no joke), knows everything about the world's airlines, perfumes, colognes, and clothing brands from everywhere around the world, and wants to grow up to be a model for Abercrombie, an actor, and a chef.
Vince: Weird guy, seems gay but claims he's straight, wears size 3 women's pants, and wants lipo-suction so he can wear size double 0 women's pants.
Jeremy: Eccentric maniac, very random, hilarious to add to conversations, loves tech. stuff, spams prank phone calls to EVERYBODY!
Gary: Future white rap successor to Eminem, playboy type person.
Preston: The guitarist, enough said
Ryan: The magic card master, damn fast with those card tricks, and tricky
Olga: Our teen group director, really stressed out, got wasted on the last night....
Lance: Karoake director, Halo 2 god... grrrrr
The people were amazing... Funny as hell to hang around with.
We ended up either having long hours of Air Hockey tournaments, running around chasing after people, chasing down the illegal underage drunks (why? No idea), sending security after random people (including the drunks), prank calling people's cabin rooms at 4:00 AM, grabbing more and more food to eat, trying to play card games (never worked out), or just sitting in the lounge chatting.
There was a comedy show every night, usually rated R but still attended.
There was also this hypnotist who hypnotized random people from the audience. I'm not joking, they really were. I don't think that they would voluntarily strip down to their underwear in front of everybody on the boat and then make love to a chair just to try and prove to everyone that were hypnotized. The people that were hypnotized said that they had no idea what happened to them, but they noticed that they were doing it but didn't know why or care. It was really funny to watch, yet really weird....

Uh... that's what I can remember right now. I wasn't allowed in the casino, but I went anyway and won $5 in a slot machine (I played 15 cents in it and won). Yeah, woooooo. Signing out.