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Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 10:48 pm
by Tassadarmaster
Hi. Just dropping by saying Hi to everyone here in this community since your server told us to visit from the Sven's Coop Half-Life Chapter server. I think that server is good, just the lagg that needs to be fixed in that Tentacle map where you have to find a way to destroy them.
Re: Hello
Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 11:13 pm
by NightReaver[CotC]
Tassadarmaster wrote:Hi. Just dropping by saying Hi to everyone here in this community since your server told us to visit from the Sven's Coop Half-Life Chapter server. I think that server is good, just the lagg that needs to be fixed in that Tentacle map where you have to find a way to destroy them.
Thanks for stopping by. We appreciate the feed back. I will let the administrator of that particular server know (unless he sees this before I can reach him.) Please continue to visit us.
Stop by and join our ranks. We are always looking for good people who like to game.
Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 1:26 am
by Neophyte
Hi Tassadarmaster! I admin that server. And I know exactly what you mean. I wish there was something I can do. The lag is from the map itself. It's a little like the lag in the first few beginning maps where you don't have weapons and you're making your way to the Test Chamber. And the last 2 levels where you fight the big floating baby and the other where you meet G-Man. The server is only 800 Mhz. I suppose that it would help if I upgrade it. But I think it's probably more of a bad map design for multiplayer, because most of the other maps play fine. I suspect that there are just to many entities in those levels, and I'm really hoping that Sven Co-op 3.5 fixes a lot of these issues. And the forums suggest that it will be out before Christmas.
Thanks for visiting our server! And bring some friends, we always welcome the company of good people such as yourself.
Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 12:42 pm
by Tassadarmaster
Thnx and about that lag issue for the tentacle map, I just setted up a server and switched it to that map with other ppl, and there werent any lagg, so i guess you were right about the server's spec, and yes i would encourage you to get a better spec
BTW, do you run Monster Mod on that server also?
Edited: Since your server could be able to spawn those Robo Grunts, I thought it would be nice to have some of those in my server too. If you don't know which monster I'm talking about, it's the Robot Enemy Grunts, when you kill them, they explode like a few seconds later.
Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 1:00 pm
by Akira
Ok, so is the Sven co-op for HL1 or HL2 (Source)?
Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 1:03 pm
by Serpent
Akira wrote:Ok, so is the Sven co-op for HL1 or HL2 (Source)?
HL1..... 2 isnt out yet.
Sven Co-op v3.5 Mid-Way Progress Report
16 August, 2005 | by Sniper
Sven Co-op v3.5 is still in development, as is Sven Co-op 2 for Half-Life 2.
Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 2:51 pm
by D.A.R.K.[CotC]
Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 9:10 pm
by Tassadarmaster
And also, Just Wondering, how do you put in Robo Grunts for c2a4e map?
Edited: Did you also have to install other mods?
Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 9:31 pm
by Tassadarmaster
Ok.. This is a little bump but did you have to install EntMod or some other Mods to put RoboGrunts on certain maps cuz on some of the HalfLife maps that i played had no robogrunt
Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 11:23 am
by Neophyte
Tassadarmaster wrote:Ok.. This is a little bump but did you have to install EntMod or some other Mods to put RoboGrunts on certain maps cuz on some of the HalfLife maps that i played had no robogrunt
Actually, the only mod I have on my server is Plugin_Fun2 for extra glow colors... Otherwise, it's plain-vanilla Sven co-op server, with Admin Mod. All the default stuff. The Robo Grunts are there to increase the difficulty for multiplayer, and those came straight out of the Sven Co-op Multiplayer install too.
I can add things with Ent Mod I suppose, but I've never tried that. Instead, I've used the direct approach and editied the maps Entity files. Sven provides the binaries (RIPENT.EXE) to import/export the Entity fies. I exported the Ent's, make my modifications, and then import my changes back in to the maps. I lowered gravity in some places and gave a few extra start weapons in others. The map has to be reloaded after that point. But the end result is that you bring in some extra bad guys or change their initial settings, etc. On some maps, I had a problem with the original Sven Co-op exit triggers and I've moved those as well. I probably spent about 1 week playing all the way through Sven about 25 times tweaking and adjusting the maps so it better fit the type of server that I thought that people would enjoy. And I've taken input from other players about areas that were too hard or too easy. For things too easy, I've started the player with less armor. And things too hard, I've started the palyers with better weapons, more armor, or more ammo.
The Gonome was never in the game either. Sven Co-op has updated a few things here and there. If I had the source code for it, I could probably write a more pure Half-Life Single Player experience in the Multi-Player Co-op enviornment. But then I'd be following the same path that Sven did, and I would have to increase the difficulties and the number of enimies to make it fun for many.
Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 12:12 pm
by Serpent
Neophyte wrote:If I had the source code for it, I could probably write a more pure Half-Life Single Player experience in the Multi-Player Co-op enviornment. But then I'd be following the same path that Sven did, and I would have to increase the difficulties and the number of enimies to make it fun for many.
...ever considering joining the svencoop team to work on it... you could have actual input on what comes out.
Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 6:50 pm
by Tassadarmaster
Keep up the good work. More monster = More Intense.
Although I do suggest adding like 1 or 2 ally grunts on certain maps.
Edited: And 1 more thing. I tried downloading the Ripent which comes with The Zoner Half-Life Tool. But the link ain't working..
Is there any other way of getting the ripent program