Quake 4 - First Impressions
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 7:14 pm
..having the storyline pick up where Quake 2 left off is great.. you are a marine in one of the many squads sent to the Strogg homeworld to basically, well, finish them off... 
I have played the first few levels through so far, single player, and yet - it's not single player. You have your other squad members along with you shooting with you, possibly dying as well, on the trip with the same goal. There is a medic that can heal you up to 100% health, and even a guy that can up your armor to 100%. I love it. LOL!!!
From what I see on the box, it also have DM, TDM, CTF, etc.. for multiplayer modes, but I haven't checked any of that out yet.
Back to single player again for a sec. I have the blaster, machine gun, and shotgun so far. The shotgun is awesome, and the machine gun is alright.. but what I don't like so far is that if you want to turn your flashlight on, which you couldn't do in Quake 2 but can in Quake 4 (and can in Doom 3 as well), you toggle from your shotgun, if that is what is in your hands for example, over to the machine gun, since its the only weapon (that I have so far) that lets you use it.
The scenery and graphics are similar to those of Doom 3, comparatively speaking. I like it a lot so far, and hope the rest of the game isn't a let down.
OH! You get the lightning gun! You didn't have that in Quake 2, but did in Quake 1... so I can only imagine what it will be like....
Multiplayer? There was a co-op mode in Quake 2 ... I just wish that made it into Quake 4.........
More later....

I have played the first few levels through so far, single player, and yet - it's not single player. You have your other squad members along with you shooting with you, possibly dying as well, on the trip with the same goal. There is a medic that can heal you up to 100% health, and even a guy that can up your armor to 100%. I love it. LOL!!!
From what I see on the box, it also have DM, TDM, CTF, etc.. for multiplayer modes, but I haven't checked any of that out yet.
Back to single player again for a sec. I have the blaster, machine gun, and shotgun so far. The shotgun is awesome, and the machine gun is alright.. but what I don't like so far is that if you want to turn your flashlight on, which you couldn't do in Quake 2 but can in Quake 4 (and can in Doom 3 as well), you toggle from your shotgun, if that is what is in your hands for example, over to the machine gun, since its the only weapon (that I have so far) that lets you use it.
The scenery and graphics are similar to those of Doom 3, comparatively speaking. I like it a lot so far, and hope the rest of the game isn't a let down.
OH! You get the lightning gun! You didn't have that in Quake 2, but did in Quake 1... so I can only imagine what it will be like....

Multiplayer? There was a co-op mode in Quake 2 ... I just wish that made it into Quake 4.........
More later....