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Call of Duty 2

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 3:42 am
by Baron[CotC]
Just in case DoD:S being released wasnt enough for the little WW2 inside of you, the demo for Call of Duty 2 was released.

it weighs in at approx. 675mb -- i havent finished the download yet :P

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 11:41 am
by Serpent
I'll definately go get this to check it out - seeing as I already have it pre-ordered, along with Q4, and FEAR... at ebgames... ;)

Re: Call of Duty 2

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 12:02 pm
by Buzzed
RedBaron wrote:Just in case DoD:S being released wasnt enough for the little WW2 inside of you, the demo for Call of Duty 2 was released.

it weighs in at approx. 675mb -- i havent finished the download yet :P
Thanks for the heads up, I will down load it tonight.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 7:32 pm
by Baron[CotC]
my download has failed 4 times already


Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 10:52 pm
by Serpent
I don't like the fact that there is no use of vehicles... :(

...the smoke is cool though. ;)

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:06 am
by Baron[CotC]
hmm xfire has it up for download through their file system, I guess I'll try that heh

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:39 pm
by M4v3r1ck
Just finished this demo and this game seems cool. Can't wait until it gets released. In fact maybe ill call my cc company and cancel this order with dod:s as cod2 looks like it may be better and without all the usual steam hassles

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 10:19 pm
by Baron[CotC]
I dunno I just played through the demo and am left with the feeling that this is an expansion pack rather than a sequel. Didnt see many changes to the game...

Or maybe my standards are too high lately and I'm too picky and demanding that game companies actually put some effort into their products :P

Or maybe I'm bitter...

Just seems like the trend in the gaming industry lately is to pump out as much crap as possible on the latest graphics engine, grab the money and get out.

whatever :P

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 10:53 pm
by Serpent
RedBaron wrote:I dunno I just played through the demo and am left with the feeling that this is an expansion pack rather than a sequel. Didnt see many changes to the game...

Or maybe my standards are too high lately and I'm too picky and demanding that game companies actually put some effort into their products :P

Or maybe I'm bitter...

Just seems like the trend in the gaming industry lately is to pump out as much crap as possible on the latest graphics engine, grab the money and get out.

whatever :P
The two I am most looking forward to are Quake 4, and FEAR. ;)
CoD2 seems as though it'll fit in right where CoD left off - a little better graphics... but that seems to be about it, from what I see.. same game style, etc.. but the gfx are better..

Personally, I'm a big co-op fan, so I am looking forward to Q4, hoping it will have co-op in it, since I know it is going to have a good single player AND multiplayer (dm, ctf, etc) side to it... or rather.. at least I know from what I have read and seen in clips. hehe

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 3:53 pm
by real_jager
Damn, we had to wait long here in Europe, it's now out a short week here!
But....I got it, yeaahhhh :snipersmile:

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 8:23 pm
by Buzzed
I have picked it up myself as well

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 8:52 pm
by Buzzed
Okay I have been reluctant to speak out too loudly on COD2. As I have been playing the single person version, I was not over impressed, except for the graphics, which are better, marginally.


The multiplayer version with carentan and stallingrad are awesome as well as a lot of the other maps. A lot of fun, new graphics, with a lot of familiarity of the previous maps.

My vote it to buy it.

Otherwise.. What are we to do as a clan? We have a lot of players on at any one time, just NOT TOGETHER. :(

Sorry guys!

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 1:16 pm
I for one am at this point unable to expand to bigger & better things! I am trying to factor it in but at this moment it is undoable. I am stuck at COD or LOL the original DOD or even D2 has been dusted off as of late.

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 11:00 pm
by Aide-de-Camp
I find Call of Duty 2 a rebirth of camping.

Not only are the hallways and interior of buildings larger, more expansive across maps, but the lighting effects make things considerably darker compared to the first game. So much so that I forsee a new camping guide.

The weapons too are impressive as most from the first game are kept or improved somewhat, as are grenades and smoke. Without the ability to run by choice, instead sneaking or walking fast, my dissapointment with those things fade when considering the Trench Gun.

The shotgun at close range is an enemy ender, there's no escape, it just puts them down. Camped inside several high traffic buildings yesterday and the day before I managed on many maps to lure prey and take them out quickly. Considering that a machine gun has the aim and fire issue, adjusting, and then sending a half clip into someone, simply aiming and shooting once with the shotgun is way superior.

I will probably not write a complete guide on every single map but many maps I've looked through are well suited for shotgun camping. On the other hand some of the CTF type maps do not appear to have extensive "outer-edge" second stories, making sniping difficult.

Also there is a lack of jeeps and armour, the makings of a COD2 United Offensive I'm sure.

For the CoD fan this is a must have.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 1:28 am
by Serpent
Aide-de-Camp wrote:I find Call of Duty 2 a rebirth of camping.

Not only are the hallways and interior of buildings larger, more expansive across maps, but the lighting effects make things considerably darker compared to the first game. So much so that I forsee a new camping guide.

The weapons too are impressive as most from the first game are kept or improved somewhat, as are grenades and smoke. Without the ability to run by choice, instead sneaking or walking fast, my dissapointment with those things fade when considering the Trench Gun.

The shotgun at close range is an enemy ender, there's no escape, it just puts them down. Camped inside several high traffic buildings yesterday and the day before I managed on many maps to lure prey and take them out quickly. Considering that a machine gun has the aim and fire issue, adjusting, and then sending a half clip into someone, simply aiming and shooting once with the shotgun is way superior.

I will probably not write a complete guide on every single map but many maps I've looked through are well suited for shotgun camping. On the other hand some of the CTF type maps do not appear to have extensive "outer-edge" second stories, making sniping difficult.

Also there is a lack of jeeps and armour, the makings of a COD2 United Offensive I'm sure.

For the CoD fan this is a must have.
My two cents on a couple points made herein... When I showed you the trench gun here, ya know how I was noting both *types* of grenades? That's the makings of perfect camping with the tremendous amount of smoke the smoke grenade makes... it's awesome!!! ...the smoke grenade you get with the trench gun... which you don't really get anywhere (that I can recall) else... lets a lot more possibilities arise.. That gun is especially perfect because of the huge blast you get from it. :) :) :)

Lighting - it sure is a ***LOT*** darker... maybe it's just my computer and I need to *up* the brightness or something...but for me, everything seemed way too dark to play too much... I'll try and fiddle with my settings and see what I can get... but as Buzzed pointed out... the gfx diffs between CoD and CoD2 are enormous... and as stated here... I - as well - highly recommend CoD2, overall. :D