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DoD:S Server up and running!

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 7:44 pm
by KrAzYdAvE

I'm still updating my client, so I havent connected yet. I'm sure I have some more configuring to do...

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 8:04 pm
by KrAzYdAvE
It's loaded with players now - w00t!!

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 9:18 pm
by Akira
Awesome! I can see, 17/18

Nice! Now to somehow get my hands on DoD. :?

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 9:33 pm
by KrAzYdAvE
that game is a blast!
I need to figure out how to get the server to rotate the maps though, currently all you can do to change them is "rcon changelevel mapname" - workin on it!
Pray for some type of admin mod for it soon!

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:32 am
by KrAzYdAvE
ok, I think it's configured enough for tonight.
It now has Mani-Admin on it with the adminlist and banned list copied over from the CS:S server.

I finally got the mapcycle working as well.

I had a full server, but I think the power outage must've wiped out the router in front of the server for a bit, 'cause everyone got the boot.
I can definately see some recruits pouring in if we show some presence there!

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:38 am
by NightReaver[CotC]
I should have my copy this weekend.....bday present

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 9:24 am
by M4v3r1ck
I'll have to try and connect and play on our server again today. Last night it was not playable for me there. Every time I made a movement my machine would lock up for 5-10 seconds. When it was finished locking up I would try to move again and wham, same thing. I don't think it is my cpu because I joined another server and played with no glitches for about 20 minutes.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 9:24 am
by M4v3r1ck
I'll have to try and connect and play on our server again today. Last night it was not playable for me there. Every time I made a movement my machine would lock up for 5-10 seconds. When it was finished locking up I would try to move again and wham, same thing. I don't think it is my cpu because I joined another server and played with no glitches for about 20 minutes.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 10:30 am
by Buzzed
M4v3r1ck wrote:I'll have to try and connect and play on our server again today. Last night it was not playable for me there. Every time I made a movement my machine would lock up for 5-10 seconds. When it was finished locking up I would try to move again and wham, same thing. I don't think it is my cpu because I joined another server and played with no glitches for about 20 minutes.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 11:36 am
by Serpent
Playing it locally on my system yesterday, I see the game is awesome... and there are some changes which make the maps better than in original DOD.. ie.. Allies spawn area on Avalanche.. used to have a bunch of jumping involved when going to the second floor near their second flag..but instead, now there are just stairs that go up. LOL...

Anyways.. anyone know a way to get it to listen on an external IP if you have more than one IP, so I can play on my LAN, instead of just having it listen on localhost? Also... looks like you can add bots to this - AWESOME! :)

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 11:49 am
by KrAzYdAvE
I think there are some command arguments or cvars you can enter to assign it to an IP.

As far as the bots go though, the support for them is very minimal ATM