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Get your Geek on: Scenario 12-D

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 2:15 am
by Aide-de-Camp
NetFlix is a wonderful thing. But it just so happens I thought I'd get some old X-Files type shows on, and added the entire "Lone Gunman Series" to my Q.

Just so happens....that the pilot has a very very interesting opening scenario, it's about a plane and a building.

This show was cancelled I think in March 2001. I watched all the original episodes when they aired, but none of this registered until after I re-watched the first episode late late tonight.

I then ran a search and came up with three offerings worth a read, amongst many others: ... sode_1.htm ... 301&page=1

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 2:18 am
by Aide-de-Camp
Hey Aide!

Check this Homey, Byers and his father actually take off from the same airport in Maryland as does Mohammad Atta.

Check the freak at the door. Damn.

Get's more creepy the more I read.

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 2:19 am
by Aide-de-Camp
Geez, now I'm posting to myself...

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 2:23 am
by Aide-de-Camp

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 7:42 am
by Baron[CotC]
Thats a scenario that ive played out in my head over and over and to be quite honest a fairly large part of me really believes it may be true.

Unfortunately these types of government conspiracies always get passed off as paranoia and no real investigation can be done because it would be unpatriotic to dig deeper. :(

As for the show Ive never watched it before heh

Re: Get your Geek on: Scenario 12-D

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 9:53 pm
by Rico
Aide-de-Camp wrote:NetFlix is a wonderful thing. But it just so happens I thought I'd get some old X-Files type shows on, and added the entire "Lone Gunman Series" to my Q.

Just so happens....that the pilot has a very very interesting opening scenario, it's about a plane and a building.

This show was cancelled I think in March 2001. I watched all the original episodes when they aired, but none of this registered until after I re-watched the first episode late late tonight.

I then ran a search and came up with three offerings worth a read, amongst many others: ... sode_1.htm ... 301&page=1
Unfortuantely, you and I were the only two who ever watched The Lone Gunmen. Which is why it didn't last. I always thought it was hilarious.

Stop posting to yourself. It's almost as creepy as when you edit other people's posts and add your own text....
