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Snakenavel in the house

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 1:22 am
by snakenavel
Hello gang, Just putting my first post. Enough for now going back to game........

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 10:46 am
by Scion
Great to have you aboard, Snake! Now that we have you here I'd like for you take a look at . In particular I would have you read over the UCCC, which is the code of conduct expected from every ghost and member of CotC.

You're now in what's called the Ghost Legion, which is where ghosts, applicants such as yourself, are evaluated and considered for entry into the clan. Attending the scheduled weekly practices will give GL staff an opportunity to evaluate you, and for you to earn points towards entry into the clan. There's more info on this here -

It's recomended that you download both Xfire and Ventrillo, as these are both tools widely used by the clan. There's more information on where to obtain those in the sticky threads at the top of this forum.

GL Staff

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 12:42 pm
by GhettoBear
w00t!!! Hows it bro? make sure you can attend the practices.. if/when you graduate you plan on being in my legion right? You arent gonna go girly and play CoD on me are you? :twisted: just playin CoD guys :roll:

well welcome Snake.. *Yoda voice* "great future for you we see.."

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 6:40 pm
by Buzzed
Another awwwwesum player to kick my butt....

Welcome and feel free to post.