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Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 11:18 pm
by Scion
<L> He's offered a few times to help me build one. I wouldn't make him, of course. I could always just buy another Dell, though. 8)

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 7:33 am
by KrAzYdAvE
Well in that case, I'd offer to build you one too! :lol:

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 10:06 am
by NightReaver[CotC]
yeah ditto to KD's comment

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:30 am
by TooLBlue
Well, unless Jeff is going to make a trip down here......

Agh, don't get a Dell again T_T

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 2:56 pm
by Neophyte
Why not get a Dell? They make great dust hotels. So what if their quality is down, their tech support is in India, and their pre-loaded software is loaded with back-doors and bloats the crap out of the OS? It's better than having to take the time to put better quality components together yourself. And Dell only charges $99 for shipping, I like hidden costs!

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:58 pm
by TooLBlue
I've heard it said that you should get a dell only if you need the tech support... and nobody who visits a forum such as this is in short supply of computer nerds.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 12:35 pm
by Ender[CotC]
I'm in New England! (nobody cares Ender!!!! *punch*)

im doing the same dark is.... weeeeee

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 12:51 pm
by Serpent
Actually.......since dell bought alienware... they might be getting better.. and also - the xps laptops they have out (dell) with dual channel memory, etc.. are pretty cool... i agree, the low end desktops suck.. but they do have some awesome points. ;)

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:22 pm
by Scion
I've never had any problems with my Dell. I bought it cause it was cheap and I needed one in a hurry. It's a few years old now, but I've only had to upgrade the memory. Though my videocard is getting a little too's not bad for $700 and four years.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 7:36 pm
by D.A.R.K.[CotC]
Out of every computer I have ever used/fixed/owned/broken, my Dell computer has stood the test of time. Toshiba, Sony, IBM, and HP computers all seem to give me the biggest problems and never work right for very long. I've had my dell for almost 5 years now, and not once has it ever failed me. It's never broken down, never gotten a virus, never been plugged up with spyware, and every program so far runs just fine on it. Soon I'll be getting an XPS laptop b/c I REALLY need to upgrade, and I'm heading to college, where my desktop is not so "carrying friendly" around campus. And don't ask what college, I'm not sure which I'll be going to... YET!!

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 9:02 pm
by Rico
D.A.R.K.[CotC] wrote:Out of every computer I have ever used/fixed/owned/broken, my Dell computer has stood the test of time. Toshiba, Sony, IBM, and HP computers all seem to give me the biggest problems and never work right for very long. And don't ask what college, I'm not sure which I'll be going to... YET!!
I hear you on Dells. My mom still has my original Dell - the Dell I used when I first joined CotC. Voodoo 1 and everything. Still runs, still has Quake on it.

My second Dell is at my feet. Still runs, the WLO uses it as her video/photo workhorse. Works just fine for that and internet work.

The PC I had built for me suffered a failure in the first week I had it. The PS sucked. (This was my own fault for speccing a POS case and PS.) Put in a Neo-recommended PC Power and Cooling 450W supply, and it's been running like a champ ever since.

Dells work fine for what they do. We use them at work for data aquisition and data handling. Cheap, reliable, if not spectacular performers. For someone who had no PC resources, I would not hesitate to recommend a Dell.

If you're after a good gaming machine, you can built one yourself, cheaper.

College: do you have any ideas? A short list? An idea of what yer gonna study? We got some college graduates here in CotC who might be able to show you some places to get info, and how to separate the hype from the real goods.

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 1:12 am
by BD
Neophyte wrote:
How big are your kids now?!.
The female container is 12 a week ago and junior is 9.

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 1:21 am
by BD
I type this froma Dell XPS laptop I bought when I deployed. Best thing I ever bought. Combo DVD failed and they overnighted me a replacement... only problem I have had (well the battery is a POS but I never use it anyway). It plays every game I own (godfather, doom fear all of em) wonderfully. (Having said that, I'll be MIA while I am trying to figure out why it died in 10 minutes... Jinx sux)

My work is 99.9% Dell (.1% Mc).

I'm looking to go back to College, but right now it interferes with my Bass lessons, so college is on hold.

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 9:15 am
by KrAzYdAvE
I don't really bag on Dell, I actually recommend them to most people who aren't very literate when it comes to computers. I just like giving people hard times over them :D
You can't blame branding for viruses or spyware, and how well your stuff runs on it just depends on the specs you chose when you bought it.
Dell parts are put through the tests just as much as anyone elses. So if your hard drive dies, you can't really blame something like that on Dell. Besides, if you look at it, it's probably a Seagate or Maxtor anyway.

I wouldn't recommend any of their bargain PC's for a gamer though, they're just not expandable enough and they like to integrate too many things into the motherboard that just should be integrated.
Oh - and calling tech support to try and get someone who actually knows anything can be a real chore. After you've been transferred to India, then back to the states and back to India a few times, the call quality pretty much takes such a nosedive that you can barely hear who your talking to.
As if you could understand half of them in the first place...

"Please can you click on the start button and then go to the control panel please"

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 9:15 pm
by D.A.R.K.[CotC]
You gave me a good idea Rico.

Right now I am in the midst of making my final decision to what college to go to, and some help would be nice.

The program I am entering into is Computer Science, and my dilema is deciding which college has a better Computer Science Program. My choices are thus:

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaigne (UoI)
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)
University of Michigan (UoM)

I've already done tours of all three, and it's a tough choice. DISREGARD PRICE! b/c for me they all cost about the same. Any opinions?