Does anyone know the commands for counter strike to change the way you switch guns? There is a way to automaticly change your gun by hitting 1 - 5, without having to use the mouse.
Wait... the numbers 1-5 are already set for changing weapons... the only thing that can be changed is the fast switch, which either activates or deactivates a little menu that appears at the top of the screen when you're changing weapons.
That option is in the Options menu, just go to the keyboard tab and there's a button at the bottom for "Advanced", and under that menu the quick switch option is there.
Without quick switch, when you hit a number on the keyboard it'll show that little menu at the top. I think if you just hit the number again it'll actually switch to that weapon.
Can you believe that I got kicked from a server for quick switching through my weapons??
Yeah i remember the non-quick switching weapon set. It was definetly slower. If you already know what guns are where, why do you need a nifty lil' picture to tell you again.
That's lame that you got kicked for that. How could they tell? or was it a thing built into the server?
"When you get sad, stop being sad and be awesome instead."
- inspirational poster
Some admins are saying that when using sniper weapons (Scout and AWP) quick switching them so you can fire faster is cheating and those that they catch doing it get kicked.