My grandmother (on my dad's side) was in the hospital today, due to a fall she took last night. She is 78, and doesn't have very strong bones in the first place.. but she goes out to eat, every now and then, with one of my aunts. Last night she took a hard fall, and started bleeding. She was taken to a hospital, in Pomona, California... they found that not only was she internally bleeding, but had broken her hip. Today she had surgery, and that went okay and her hip has begun its healing process.
Here is the problem - due to her weak nature, she had to have anesthesia. For this to work, they put an air tube of sorts, down her throat. After she awoke, and started recovery from the surgery, they went to take the tube out, only to find that she has a huge tumor in her throat. We are now told that she will bleed to death, if they remove the tube. Needless to say, she is in critical care, and we are not sure if she will make it.
It goes without saying, I do not know if I will be in the mood for much gaming in the next couple weeks.... If at all, it will just be something to get my mind off of the horrible situation at hand.