Hey! He cheated!!!! He brought out this huge grey pole and eliminated half of the space so I couldn't move!!!
played again and got a score of 721 though... he disappears after a while... tricky. heh......and a motion seeking rockete? WOW! that guy can pull a lot of stuff out of thin air. hehe
1119, he cheated so bad though, he took out a mouse seaking rocket, and then a thing where there is 4 or him, then he took out that pole and I dodged it.
At first when I saw him shoot that little red bomb into the air that blew up, I thought it was pretty easy to dodge... then he shot the BLUE bomb, and the GREEN bomb, which blew up, and created more explosions ALL AROUND the area!!!!!! Then he threw the pipe at me like a boomerang!!! Then the seeker rocket grew into this giant super missle thing! Then the missle turned into a boquet of flowers....