Thursday will be tactical for CotC members, but GL league is welcome to attend (we need some butts to fry),

Friday will be GL COD practice night with full pts available. All Campers and CotC are welcome.
I'll kindly ask you to refrain from instruction of a Centurion, considering you do not hold an equal or higher rank. Additionally, since you have elected not to participate in any Combatant Legion formations please do not interfere with their activities.VerniusIX wrote:Buzz, please use real world time
When we had Euro members, it made sense. But it was tough, because of DST. So, here's how I posted things:Aide-de-Camp wrote:Now, I champion the issue raised because it has merit.
We will have the responsiblity to educate most incoming youngsters on the 24 hour clock, I for one appreciate military time.
Historically, we evaluated this years ago when we had members in England and central Europe. The idea was to use Military time, etc.
What we eventually explored was ZULU time, so that we would operate by the same clock no matter where we where in the world, so by giving ZULU time everyone would be able to calculate the correct time, opposed to having to understand Pacific versus East, etc.
We never got that far, but it would be very cool to bring the clan into ZULU time and resolve this issue forever...