Call of Duty Practice Request

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Call of Duty Practice Request

Post by NightReaver[CotC] »

Serpent and I have decided to embark on a journey, a journey that will hopefull better the CoD legion(s). We will need your help to prepare and keep this journey going.

Sepent and I will put together video of the different routes and stratagies that are taught and carried out. We will also film examples of the "Fire Team' stratagy (for use with Aide's manual.)

This is where you (CoD player*) come in. Serpent and I would like all CoD capable members of CotC to be at as many strategy practices as possible and to record a demo for each map that we devise a strategy for. In other words start recording at the start of the map and stop at the end (so we don't get a lot of useless footage to sit thru.) at the end of the evening prepare your demos@ and email them to me (i'll give you this over ventrillo or xfire.) If you are not set up with the recording piece or need a little help setting it up xfire me before practice and I will get you set up. see Below for explanations from above.

* You don't have to actually be good at CoD for us to use your recording skills. I do need spectators to record as well. So if you have CoD and CoD UO but arent sure that you want to play then I can use you to record. This is gonna be a big project and will take a while, but the more angles the better.

@"Prepare your Demos" - this means go to c:\Program Files\Call of Duty Folder\UO\Demos and in here you will see the demos that you took for the evening. I now need you to rename these files so I know whos is whos when I process them.
If your name is KoolKube your demo should like like this "kk001.dm_3
If your name is mopar then mopar001.dm_3 will do

Once you have renamed all the demo that you took during practice please zip then up and email to me or Serpent. If the file is larger than 10 Mb then create multiple zips and send multiple files (or I will make an FTP upload available for you.

Thank you all for assisting in the betterment of your clan.
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Post by NightReaver[CotC] »

I know, I know, I know
I wasn't there.....


Did anyone get any footage?

I can still use it...well that is if Buzzed deems the practice a success.

sent to Nightreaver [at] campquake [dot] org

Thanks in advance
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Post by Buzzed »

Crap, got so involved i forgot. DAMB. I will get some tonight though.

Sorry night.
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Post by Baron[CotC] »

We didnt really do anything worthy of footage I dont think.
Caesar - Clan of the Camper -
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