III. Manifesto Design Preface
A. Constitution Construction
1. The Campquake Republic stands for the written design and methodology upon which the evolution, expansion and maintenance of the Clan Of The Camper, Campquake.Org, Campquake.Com, and Campquake.Net shall be governed. The document is intended to be an evolving constitution that can only be altered by majority decision as described by the document. The constitution shall be the final authority amongst the organization in order to prevent internal, external and all future governance from becoming biased by totalitarian rule.
B. Forces For Constitution Construction
1. The Clan Of The Camper and Campquake.Com prior to Campquake.Org and Campquake.Net has been guided and subsequently controlled by a cadre of key elders. This document shall remove power from these key elders and assume a station of authority within the organization, which supersedes any one person, faction, legion or elder. Allegiance to the document and its principles rather than allegiance to any one person or agenda is the new order.
C. Constitutional Amendments
1. Amendments to this Multiplayer Millennium Manifesto shall require no less three fourths approval of the members. The voting membership shall be determined by notification in the senate followed by a 72 hour waiting period. During this period, members will email the appropriate parties with their intention to vote. Once the voting commences, the vote will continue until two weeks have passed or all voting members have been accounted for (any additional members may also vote during this process). Every amendment vote will be followed by a veto vote by the parties with veto power. A seventy five percent pro-veto vote, shall require the entire process to be recommenced. Amendments to this Multiplayer Millennium Manifesto are final and may not be removed; however, portions of the document may be lined through provided they remain visible and strikes to the document require the same voting process.