Article III - Election Cycles
I. Description
A. To quote from the Universal Code of Campsite Conduct, "[the]...Keeping promises and the fostering of unity...[is integrity]." The purpose of the Campquake Constitution was to forever place into the hands of membership the tools for self governance. Without an electoral system, without an electoral foundation, such purpose is moot. This amendment provides for the facilitation of election cycles which again returns authority to membership.
II. Election Cycles
A. Elections are to be held the 2nd Tuesday of January with the transition of power taking place on the 1st of February.
A1. The position of Eagle is responsible for facilitating the election cycle which is active from November 1st through the 2nd Tuesday in January.
A2. By the second Tuesday in October the Eagle posts the election calendar and provides a general adviso to the Senate that the election cycle is approaching.
A3. Candidates may announce their intentions to run for office no earlier than November 1st and no later than November 5th.
B. In the event that no candidate runs for office, and the office is already occupied, the occupant has the right to hold the position until the next election cycle, or surrender the position.
B1. In the event the position is surrendered, Caesar will appoint a member to fill the position after the member has been confirmed by 3/4 of the Veteran Council.
B2. In the event that the position vacated is that of Caesar, the Veteran Council will designate the First Veteran as Caesar, and hold a special election to fill the position of First Veteran, ad infanitum.
C. In the event that leadership positions are vacant or vacated without candidates willing to run for positions listed, the houses of leadership, Caesar and the Veteran Council and Senate, will fill the positions with appointed volunteers until the next election cycle, ad infanitum.
D. In the event that leadership houses are absent, vacated, or non existent, Constitutional Authority will be granted to the highest existing rank, which has the responsibility for reconstitution of the organization according to the subscriptions provided herein, and amongst the ratified articles of constitution dating from 2002 forward.
E. Martial law, as a measure of failed defense conditions or security measures, may exist from the point of martial law being granted by a Unanimous Senate and Veteran Council, until the next election cycle only.
E1. Continuance of martial law beyond one election cycle constitutes illegitimate authority.
E2. A Unanimous Senate and Veteran Council constitutes each member voting in favor, as well as each legion structure ratifying the vote unanimously; subsequently, legion formations and ranks constitute leadership structures until the next election cycle.
E3. During martial law constitutional membership rights are honored, but the Duality of Membership, afforded to enlistment in a command structure is weighted more heavily than immediate Senatorial Rights.
Passed by a 10 to 1 vote on Feb 26 2005